Privacy Policy

Last Updated: January 12, 2024

We value your privacy. This Privacy Policy informs you of your choices and our practices regarding any information you provide to us. YESPER APP is to provide services for the automotive battery products developed by our company, and you can check the relevant parameters of battery equipment on the APP.

This page informs App visitors about our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if they decide to use the YESPER Service.

If you use our Service, you consent to the collection and usage of information related to this policy. We use the Personal Information we collect to provide and improve our Service. Except as stated in this Privacy Policy, we will not share or use your personal information with anyone.

Information Collection and Use

To provide you with a better service, we may ask for certain personal information. This includes your cell-phone number. We will use the information we have about you to identify or contact you.
Bluetooth permissions and positioning permissions: When you use your mobile phone to connect to our company's Bluetooth devices, you need to enable your Bluetooth permissions and positioning permissions.
Extended functions based on camera permissions: You can scan the QR code through the camera to identify the device, so that you can obtain device information.
Album permission expansion function: When scanning the device information, you can directly select pictures in the album to obtain device information more quickly.

Log Data

We would like to inform you that every time you visit our YESPER App, your browser sends us information called Log Data. Log Data can include your Internet Protocol ("IP") address, browser type, page visited, time and date, time spent on those pages, and other statistics.


Cookies are small files containing data. They are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. These files are sent from the website you visited your browser and stored on your computer's hard disk. These "cookies" are used by our website to collect information and improve our service. These cookies can be accepted or rejected by you. You also have the ability to know when a cookie has been sent to your computer. You may not be allowed to use certain parts of our Service if you refuse to accept our cookies.

Service Providers

Our company's software department develops independently. For the personal information collected by users, our company undertakes not to use or disclose such information for any other purpose.


We appreciate your trust in us with your Personal Information. Therefore, we strive to use commercially acceptable methods of protecting it. We cannot guarantee the absolute security of any method of transmission via the internet or electronic storage.

Links to Other Sites

Our Service may include links to other websites. You will be taken to the site if you click on a link from a third party. These external sites are not managed by us. We strongly recommend that you review these sites' Privacy Policies. We do not have any control over the privacy policies or practices of third-party websites or services, and we are not responsible for them.

Privacy for Children

Our Services are not intended for anyone under the age of 13. Children under 13 years old are not eligible to have their personal information collected by us. If we are informed that a user is under 13, we will immediately remove the information from our servers. If you are a guardian or parent and are aware that your child provided personal information to us, please contact us for the necessary actions.

Change in Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. We recommend that you regularly review this page for any updates. Any changes will be posted on this page. These changes will be effective immediately after they have been published.

Get in Touch

We are happy to answer any questions you may have about our Privacy Policy. If you wish to contact us regarding this Privacy Policy or any privacy-related matters, please contact our Privacy Officer via email at